Our Story


Sojourn Foundation was founded with the idea that traveling to developing countries and interacting with children can have a profound and positive imprint on our perspective.

We will organize specialized travel itineraries in beautiful locations around the world while we contribute in impactful ways to the children of these countries in which we visit. Our trips are focused on making meaningful connections within global communities.

As a fellow traveler, you will have opportunities to volunteer in classrooms, outreach programs and orphanages. As a complement to these emotionally connective opportunities, we will also curate mindful and corporal experiences as we explore new cultural settings and traditions, embark on exciting eco-adventures and immerse ourselves in local lifestyles.

Sojourn Foundation is committed to providing these meaningful experiences to participants while developing long-term partnerships within our global getaways. We hope to share many life-changing moments with those who join us, because we know the greatest joy in life truly comes from serving others.

Come and grow your Sojourn Soul with us!


Mission Statement


We at Sojourn Foundation aspire to connect people through soulful journeys that focus on working with children in developing countries while sharing personal growth experiences and opportunities for adventure in unique, global settings.